My Projects

Funded Projects

Title: Controlling Additive Manufacturing Properties of Surfaces (CAMPS)

Investigators: Monsuru Ramoni, Gregory Su and Ragavanantham Shanmugam 
Role: Co-PI
Sponsor: DoE 
Dates: 02/2023 – 01/2026 
Responsibility: 50% 
Total award amount: ≈$2.25 million

Title: Scheme for Promoting Indigenous Culture and Ethics among STEM students (SPICES)

Investigators: Ragavanantham Shanmugam, Arockiasamy Madasamy and Sudhagar Nagarajan
Role: Principal Investigator
Sponsor: NASA
Dates: 08/2022 – 07/2024 
Responsibility: 75% 
Total award amount: ≈$500,000.00

Title: AIHEC/ TCU Advanced Manufacturing Technician Network

Investigators: Al Kuslikis (AIHEC) & Ragavanantham Shanmugam
Role: Principal Investigator
Sponsor: Co-PI
Dates: 09/2021 – 08/2023 
Responsibility: 50% 
Total award amount: ≈$600,000.00

Title: Navajo Tech Additive Manufacturing and Materials Education and Research (NAMER)

Investigators: Monsuru Ramoni & Ragavanantham Shanmugam
Role: Co-PI
Sponsor: United States Department of Agriculture -NIFA
Dates: 10/2019 – 09/2022 
Responsibility: 50% 
Total award amount: ≈$3 million

Title: Computed Axial Lithography for Rapid Bio printing of Tissue Constructs for Meat

Investigators: Monsuru Ramoni & Ragavanantham Shanmugam
Role: Co-PI
Sponsor: NASA
Dates: 09/2020 – 08/2021 
Responsibility: 50% 
Total award amount: ≈$2.2 million